Tackling Loneliness and Supporting You When You Need Us
At Eleos we want to work with our clients to reduce loneliness/social isolation and improve mental health. This is through working with yourself in how you would like to achieve this and we recognise that mental health can be fluctuating so it's no problem if your aims change whilst working together.
Some people may have a befriender as someone who they can try and get back into the community by going to groups together or some may just want someone to have a chat with... We work around you!
Example of people we can help include:
People living with a mental health illness (can be diagnosed or undiagnosed)
People living with a learning disability
People living with a long term or chronic physical condition
Adolescents and young people
Older people
People who are pregnant or recently post-natal
People currently in hospital or a care home
People who are experiencing peri or menopausal symptoms
...and anyone else who are experiencing loneliness or social isolation.
This list may appear broad however at Eleos we have a lot of experience both individually and combined of working with a variety of individuals and are able to adapt to your needs!
Eleos Return Kindness sessions! At Eleos we are currently planning to start a session whereby clients can use their session to help others. In the Eleos Return Kindness sessions clients and their befrienders can use some of their sessions, if they wish, to work with people who may not be able to access the befriending services for example refugees/asylum seekers, people experiencing homelessness. They may also help in areas such as volunteering at places such as foodbanks/food kitchens. Clients may also utilise their skills/interests to help others for example knitting clothing for local hospitals or providing their musical talents to a care home! The reason for this is to decrease social isolation and by helping others your self-esteem can be increased. We are currently discussing this with third sector areas to see how this can be facilitated. We will update this section when we have more information.
How We Can Meet Your Needs
What you want to achieve or feel that you need from a befriender is up to you but examples can include:
• Helping you meet new people
• Going for a coffee
• Having a chat or exploring your hobbies in your own home
• Helping you explore your local area
• Helping you with your shopping
• Going for walks or doing some basic exercise
• Helping with your basic internet skills
Our sessions are a minimum of two hours long. This is for us to fully utilise our time together. Two hour sessions are £50 with any additional hours to a session priced at £20.
Yourself and your befriender decide when and where to meet and this is flexible